Black Hawk, April 24, 2010

The packages I have received have been amazing. I can’t believe your generosity! My peers are grateful, I am attaching a picture. The hospital is grateful; many of the items you sent were donated. I didn’t get to help deliver due to my busy schedule, but I am sure that I will get to go in the future. 

I am having trouble with my lap top, so I don’t have internet in my room. Connectivity and time is limited at work, so I cannot return all of the emails that I am getting. However, please keep sending your thoughts as it is a great reminder of the real world out there, which is perspective that I sometimes need.

Fortune has smiled on me once again. I got a ride in a Black Hawk to Mazar E Sharif. Who can say they got to ride in a helicopter over the Hindu Kush Mountains? The beauty of the snow covered mountains was stunning, and the beauty of the plains beyond was indescribable. It was a mini-grand canyon, with colors like Artists Palette in Death Valley. I kept thinking that this would have been preserved and developed into a major resort destination anywhere else in the world. We flew so close to the ground that I could see the roads and trails, and they were calling me like the Swiss Alps called Maria in the Sound of Music.

And more fortune…I am traveling to the states next week for a conference. My husband will be meeting me and we will have a week together. I’ll be working, but coming home to him every night—after all, home is wherever he is. I will be in the mid west for 2 ½ weeks, then back to the grindstone.

I sometimes call my peers in the mobility shop “my boys”. I mean that affectionately. We are together 12-15 hours a day and we get chow together too. We have a lot of challenges, but we are having fun. Last night, I had a girl’s dinner with Mary and Jen. My boys teased me about ditching them. Mary and Jen said their boys did the same thing to them!

Here are some photos from my Black Hawk Ride:

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