USFOR-A, March 7, 2010

I just finished my first week at United States Forces-Afghanistan (USFOR-A), in the heart of Kabul. We are in a small, walled off and very secure compound. I’m in the Joint Logistics Movement Control Center (JLMMC, or J4M) helping to ensure the USFOR-A movement priorities are met. The good news is that we get two half days off here, the bad news is the work hours are 7:30a to 10:00p-ish. I’m in a tent, with 10 or so of my now closest friends. I’m on a waiting list for a 10 X 20 pod, where I’ll only have one or two close friends. The quarters situation actually doesn’t matter…all I need is a place to lie down, and I’m out like a light.

I’ve already got a really great assignment—In my spare time (snicker) I am working with the logistics experts of our partner nations to develop a movement priority system for all of the coalition movements, not just US movements (holy crap, here we go again…back in the deep end of the pool…did you hear the splash?). Although the draft version of coalition movement priorities were diametrically opposed to the US actual priorities, we came to the conclusion that we are saying the same thing, just in a different way. After a few days worth of dialog back and forth, we and the coalition members that we are working with have realized that we are united toward the common goal of supporting the war fighter, and the rest is semantics.

The US is by far the largest force, and has the most expertise in all aspects of conducting operations and sustaining them. We’ve also got the most economic and political power behind us. In turn, we also have the lion’s share of the problems, and this is making it easy for our partners to pick on us. We are walking a fine line between being seen as mentors for the coalition and being seen as the 800 pound gorilla in the room.

To finalize my traveling adventures…I got a ride on an AN-124, the largest aircraft in the world:

I Left Kuwait on Friday night, spent Saturday at Bagram Air Base (what a hell hole) and Saturday night in a tent at the Kabul International Airport. My ride picked me up in an up-armored vehicle for a very interesting ride to the compound.  Here is me and my battle buddy on that ride: 

I am running on a treadmill or around the compound. The perimeter of the compound is .6 miles. Either way, this spells doom for my running goal of 20 miles per week. As with every aspect of this deployment, it looks like I am going to have to adjust my expectation. I am going to shoot for 10-12 miles per week instead. I started a P-90X program with a few folks here as well.

If any of you are inclined, I could use some travel size toiletries, such as shampoo, cream rinse, soap, toothpaste and the like. I don’t care what kind. Some healthy snacks would also be appreciated. Here is my address:

JoAnn Meacham
APO AE, 09356

I ran into another Nevada National Guard member in the female bathroom at Kabul Airport!  This is me and LTC Cori Powers:
Thanks for all your support and Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband, Bill.

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